【英語ぺらぺら君中級編(配送版) 】 歴代米国大統領の元通訳が教える英会話

『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
椈屋敷 The Copper Beeches
※新潮文庫『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』コナン・ドイル/延原 謙 訳より


‘If I claim full justice for my art, it is because it is an impersonal thing―a thing beyond myself.’



‘And she would need to be,’ said Holmes gravely. ‘I am much mistaken if we do not hear from her before many days are past.’


「材料だ、材料だ、材料だよ! 粘土がなくて煉瓦が作れるもんか!」

‘Data! data! data!’ he cried impatiently. ‘I can’t make bricks without clay.’



‘I am glad of all details,’ remarked my friend, ‘whether they seem to you to be relevant or not.’