【英語ぺらぺら君中級編(配送版) 】 歴代米国大統領の元通訳が教える英会話

シャーロック・ホームズの事件簿 The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes
這う男 The Creeping Man
※新潮文庫『シャーロック・ホームズの事件簿』コナン・ドイル/延原 謙 訳より


Come at once if convenient – if inconvenient come all the same.

S. H.



‘The same old Watson!’ said he. ‘You never learn that the gravest issues may depend upon the smallest things.’



‘Dr. Watson is the very soul of discretion, and I can assure you that this is a matter in which I am very likely to need an assistant.’



‘Good, Watson!  You always keep us flat-footed on the ground.’


「大いによろしい! “忙しい蜂”と“より高きへ”の合成だね。当たって砕けろ──不動のモットーだ」

‘Excellent, Watson!  Compound of the Busy Bee and Excelsior. We can but try – the motto of the firm.’



‘Always look at the hands first, Watson.’



‘When one tries to rise above Nature one is liable to fall below it.’